How to build your content framework

Creating content isn’t as simple as sitting down, saying you’re going to produce something and then doing it. It requires initial brainstorming so you can determine what you’re creating and how it relates to the rest of your strategy. The creation process can require multiple rounds of revisions as you work to ensure your finished content meets its intended goal. Next, you need to send your content live and promote it.

A content creation framework is a plan consisting of what steps need to be taken, how long each step will take and who’s responsible for completing each step.

Set SMART goals for your content

SMART goals and goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Setting smart goals will give you a sense of direction and help you organize and reach your goals. Having goals in general, but especially smart goals also allows you to hold your business accountable, if all the goals were not achieved.


Now that you have set your goals. It is time to plan how you will achieve them.

How frequently do you want to produce blogs, long-form content offers, videos and other pieces of content? This will determine the rest of your efforts.

Once you know how much total content you want to create, you can calculate how much time you have to work on each piece of content. For example, if you want to publish four blogs each year, then you have at least three months to work on each one. Meanwhile, if you want to publish two Instagram posts a week, you either have two to three days to create each one or you’ll need to work on multiple posts simultaneously. Better yet, you can hire someone to create batch content for you, monthly.

Create a workflow

Now the wheels are spinning. Put your organisation-hat on. A workflow will help you put a project plan in place, by detailing who will be doing what tasks and when. Ensure these are specific. You need something to work towards and everyone needs to be on the same page. This is also where you will delegate tasks to different people. And where the actual content production will take place.

Review and edit content

Once you’ve created all the content that you had set out to create, it is time for one of the most important steps. EDITING! Regardless of the type of content that you created, it is vital to edit it to ensure that it aligns with the vision that you had in mind, as well as the overall image that your brand currently possess.

Publish and promote

Publishing the content is probably the easiest part of the entire framework - just take it live!

Or if you’re like us, schedule it!

Your promotion strategy, however, is a little more complex. You have to consider the best channels to use to tell people about your content, where it'll be heard the loudest.

If you’re in need of the perfect marketing strategy, make sure to contact us.

Analyze results

Now that you've done all the hard work, it's time to see if it's paid off. So check to see whether you have new visitors and if they converted to leads. Did your content achieve the goals you had set out at the very start? If yes, then you are on the right track. If no, then go back to the goals that were not achieved and take note of what went wrong and how it can be fixed.

Creating a repeatable, organized and agile framework to keep your content on track and driven towards goals will get you distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content.

If you have an idea on how you would like your content to look, but you don’t know how to execute it, contact us to produce your content for you.


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