Food Related Holidays to add to your Content Calendar

As a creative agency offering social media management - we oversee several accounts within the food industry, consistently staying attuned to the various observances they should engage in. Recognizing the challenge of keeping up, we conducted thorough research and compiled this very important list.

Whether you're a social media manager for a restaurant or own a business in the food and beverage industry, consider bookmarking this article. It's a resource you'll undoubtedly find useful more often than not.

16 January International Hot and Spicy Food Day

18 January International Cheese Day

30 January World Croissant Day

5 February World Nutella Day

9 February International Pizza Day

9 March Meatball Day

24 March Gelato Day

30 April World Boba Day

10 May International Shrimp Day

13 May International Hummus Day

13 May World Cocktail Day

21 May International Tea Day

25 May Wine Day

28 May International Hamburger Day

30 May World Juice Day

1 June World Milk Day

10 June World Gin Day

18 June International Sushi Day

1 July International Chicken Wing Day

4 July World BBQ Day

7 July World Chocolate Day

13 July International French Fries Day

First Friday of August International Beer Day

4 August International White Wine Day

5 August World Oyster Day

28 August International Red Wine Day

20 September Pepperoni Pizza Day

1 October International Coffee Day

1 October World Vegetarian Day

Second Thursday of October World Chicken Day

Second Friday of October World Egg Day

4 October World Taco Day

9 October International Bear and Pizza Day

10 October World Porridge Day

14 October World Bread Day

16 October World Food Day

20 October International Chef Day

24 October World Tripe Day

25 October World Pasta Day

1 November World Vegan Day

1 November International Sandwich Day

26 November International Cake Day

4 December International Cookie Day

Here's what we've discovered that aligns well with the Namibian context. It's unfortunate that we don't have specific days dedicated to our traditional dishes. Kapana Day? That would be amazing - what petition do we have to sign?

Do you think we missed a day? Let us know in the comments and we’ll add it.


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