Our Top 3 Projects from 2020

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Twenty Twenty was one hectic year, but that didn’t stop a lot of our clients from pushing out brands, projects, websites, events, products. We feel honored that they included us in their journeys.

Though we had many, we’ve rounded 3 of our Top favourite projects from last year. Based off creative freedom, direction, experience and concept.

3. Our first exhibition in collaboration with Cafe Prestige.

Our favourite coffee spot reached out to us to ask if we’d be keen to work on an exhibition with them and of course we said yes.

We created 5 digital prints using a similar colour palettes and Namibian phrases and titled it “Speak”. It was such a great project because we were creating for ourselves, we had creative freedom and could do whatever we felt like. Here are the prints we produced, they can be purchased on our shop.

2. I Create Namibia

Though we only were able to do 2 events, January & February, we thoroughly enjoyed both events. We put together such a great plan for the year, we wanted to help other creative entrepreneurs in figuring out how to run their businesses. But Covid-19 hit and we couldn’t host or go according to plan

Will we pick it up this year? That depends on how long we’ll be in this pandemic to be honest. Fingerscrossed.


This is our FAVORITE project from 2020 and on the list of our favorite projects to date. Swakop Food Fest is a Swakopmund based food festival that celebrates food and food enthusiasts at large. And last year they put out their first cook book which we got to design. It was such a fun project because we had creative freedom, good images and a great concept.

You can contact Swakop Food Fest to purchase or visit Book Den in Windhoek.

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Thank you for coming on this journey with us, we can’t wait to see what we work on this year.

Happy New Year! :-)

Betty SibesoComment