Different Types of Video Marketing

Video marketing is the use of video to raise awareness, create engagement, and drive sales.

With the effectiveness of traditional marketing dwindling and the popularity of video skyrocketing, video marketing has become a must-have for every business. If you haven’t started video marketing yet, now is the time.

There are many types of video marketing. In this blog, you’ll find the 4 major types and a few examples of each.

  1. Educational Videos

Educational videos teach your audience something new. This type of video marketing helps to build trust between you and your audience because you’re establishing yourself as an expert in your industry.

The 3 different types of educational videos are as follows:

Tutorial videos

With a tutorial video, you have the opportunity to show off your brand and your products while teaching people how to use them.

Industry update videos

Showing that you follow and understand trends in your industry will give you credibility and add a layer of trust between you and your customers.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are meant to simplify the explanation of a product, service, process, or any other complicated topic. These videos are usually animated and typically don’t run longer than a few minutes.

2. Company Culture Videos

Company culture videos help show off your company’s personality. With this type of video marketing, you’ll want to shoot videos with your mission and values in mind. These videos establish trust between your business and the public, especially if you focus on a commitment to your mission and values. Culture videos are also great for recruiting new hires. If your company looks like a great place to work, people will want to apply.

An example of company culture videos is:

Event Videos

Event videos can give people a lot of information about your company without having to say anything. If you’re having a work party, you can capture how happy your employees are at your business.

You can check out some of our company culture videos here.

Product Videos

Product videos for your video marketing strategy help you showcase your products and get people interested. How you feature your products is up to you, your target market, and your overall goals.

Some examples of product videos are as follows:

Product Demo Videos

Product demo videos help viewers understand how your product works. Whether the video includes you talking about your product, or just focuses on your product’s features, you want to make sure you show off what your product can do.

Product Launch Videos

When launching a new product, video marketing can help create a lot of hype. Whether you decide to tease new features in a video marketing campaign or tell the story of how your new product came to fruition, you should focus on getting people as excited about your new product as you are.

Testimonial Videos

With testimonials in your video marketing strategies, you show that people love your company, products, or services. In combination with other content you’ve created, these videos help establish trust. If people are singing your praises, your business must be good, right?

Here are two different types of testimonials:

Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials are perfect for pushing people from the consideration stage to the purchase stage of the buying process. If someone is researching products from you and a competitor, and you have glowing testimonials from customers, they’re more likely to choose you.

Employee Testimonials

Your employees know what it’s like to work for you, so they’re the best people to talk about working for your company. Job candidates can meet their future coworkers with this type of video marketing. If you include clips of your office and events, they’ll also get to know the company more.

If you need assistance in producing the videos you would like to use for your video marketing, contact us.